Here I am!

I am a white, working-class, female, able-bodied waitress from New York. I have two BA's in Gender and Women's Studies and Political Psychology. I have had the privilege to travel all over the world from India to Canada. Some inspiration came to me recently to start a blog about my next adventure in Ecuador, so here it is!! Enjoy!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Back in Quito after la Navidad and New Year

Despite my consistent back-and-forth of whether or not to return to I am! I am working at the hotel now as a social network manager (check us out at facebook page "Cafe Cultura" and "Exclusive Hotels and Haciendas of Ecuador") and continuing my work at the Fundacion Pachamama. I was so anxious about my return, but overall I'm glad I did. I'm not sure how I will balance out these two jobs in the next few months, but it will work itself out- always does.

While I was home I learned how fast three weeks can pass. Between trying to get time in with my mom's and dad's sides of the family, as well as making a brief trip up to Plattsburgh, I feel I was only home for a blink. I think I've blogged about this before, but the return home always seems to be much more culture shock than leaving home. It's like everybody's life just continued, sometimes continuing into a place where there is no space for me. Plus, it's kind of hard to hold a conversation with me unless you either 1- love me enough to sit quietly and listen to me ramble about my travels, or 2- you are actually interested in global climate change, indigenous cultural sharing, or sustainable economic development...the list of this kind of people is shorter than I had imagined. So, in that way it is a sort of relief to be back in Ecuador. I think I deal better with physical distance than the emotional distance. At least here I can disillusion myself to think that everyone else's life has stopped waiting for my return. Sometimes I really do prefer ignorance and disillusionment over painful realities.

Anyways, New Years...2012...the time for new resolutions and new beginnings! I have a few resolutions myself, that I think maybe if I make viral the public pressure may be enough for me to follow through with them (assuming anybody reads this, which I am...maybe disillusioning myself again but whatever, I think what I have to say is important...sometimes). So here goes:

1- Get a steady paying job in a field I am passionate about and/or an acceptance letter from a master's university (preferably The New School in NYC or UPeace in Costa Rica)

2- Run 4 miles in under 30 minutes

3- Spend 2012 single...meaning without a boyfriend, beau, or money/energy/blood-sucking leech

I'll add to that list as I think of things, but those are my big three for now. So, people, hold me to it! Lastly, here's a picture I took of a painting as I was walking in the park today. I would put the translation, but it will be so much better if you figure it out yourself.


  1. I LOVE your resolutions :) Don't worry- we'll help hold you to them ;) Love you so so so so so so so much!!!

  2. the best resolutions I have heard so far this year! Go get 'em. It was great to see you but also great to see you continue your journey!!
