Here I am!

I am a white, working-class, female, able-bodied waitress from New York. I have two BA's in Gender and Women's Studies and Political Psychology. I have had the privilege to travel all over the world from India to Canada. Some inspiration came to me recently to start a blog about my next adventure in Ecuador, so here it is!! Enjoy!

Monday, April 30, 2012


What does God have to do with abortion? I'm sure all of the "good" Christians/Catholics/Muslim/Jewish/whatevers will say because we are killing one of God's creations. Well gee, all this time I thought it was MY body that created this little blob of cells (along with some man-sperm)! Guess I was wrong...but then again I am not totally convinced that God exists. Evolution is not a theory, so when I ask for proof do not tell me to "look around." That's a stupid cop out. And don't tell me to prove that God doesn't exist, because you are asking me to prove a negative which is logically impossible. Can you prove that my imaginary friend doesn't exist?  As tempting as it is, I never make fun of anyone for their beliefs no matter how stupid they are  "strange" they seem to me. So since I am not inserting my sarcastic commentary into your sermons, please do not insert your God into my uterus.

I suppose it is a question as to how you define "life" but see, I have this theory. When a person is in a vegetative state, living on life support, the spouse/family is given the choice to pull the plug. Why? Because the person cannot live without support. Similarly, an embryo/fetus cannot live without the support of the mother- so why isn't it her choice to "pull the plug"? We seriously have enough  unwanted and abandoned children in this world, so lets not fool ourselves into thinking that giving the baby up for adoption is the best choice. On top of that, have you ever seen an orphanage? It's like a homeless shelter for kids- not exactly the best way to "preserve the sanctity of life" if you ask me. I've never met anyone who had an abortion who has these life long emotional scars that the crisis pregnancy centers warn us about. However I have met loads of depressed single mothers who haven't finished school and struggling to make ends meet who would have chosen abortion had it been an option and opted for a planned family later on in life.

So anyways this post was supposed to be about God and turned into abortion...sorry. I will end on the God note anyways. Does it seem creepy to anyone that people take comfort that there is a guy in the sky watching us and just waiting for us to die and judge us? Who comes up with this stuff... I do believe in shared energy of life, why? Because I can feel it. I do not feel anything when I look up at the sky, nor when I dig a hole and bring myself closer to supposed "hell."

By the way, LOL at my picture.

1 comment:

  1. wow Jenna, I really like your analogy, comparing an abortion to pulling the plug of someone on life support. I've often wondered why they allow family members to make that decision, I mean what gives them the right? Because that person can't make the decision for themselves because they are in a vegetative state..which is also like a mother who makes the decision to have an abortion. The fetus isn't capable of deciding whether they want to be born or not...and I have to wonder if they knew what they were in store for if they wouldn't decided against being born at all.

    People find comfort in the guy in the sky watching over us, because some people need to feel that this life on earth isn't all there is. Other people find comfort in that belief so they have someone to blame when things go wrong..such as it is God's will. I personally think everyone is responsible for their own actions here on earth. And bad things just happen. I mean why look forward to the supposed paradise awaiting us? I think if that's a person's belief that it may give them a reason to not help the millions of people in suffering everyday here on earth, because supposedly, if they have faith they'll get their reward in heaven. Sorry, I'm not a big God person. Especially since so many believe that this entity is male. If all I have to look forward to in "heaven" is another male dominated patriarchy, then I don't want to go. And as far as hell, well I don't believe in it, or that there is a devil. I don't need the threat of an evil being and eternal suffering to make me a better person today.
