It has been a busy week for me! This weekend I got a real taste of Ecuadorian culture when I helped my best friend here cook for a family reunion. I helped cut up chicken feet and heads, played soccer, and don't think I spoke a word of English for 3 days! I was exhausted by the end of the weekend. I forgot to take pictures unfortunately...
Jungle Mama's officially completed it's first Safe Birthing and Family Planning Workshop taught by the Achuar facilitators! It was a success and looks like a new chapter of Jungle Mama's is beginning. There are participants who walk for four days just for a three-day workshop! If you are interested, check out some of the individual impacts of the workshop at More information will be posted on the site by next week approximately.
I have been following a split in Bolivia between the Indigenous cultures and the Farmers. The government wanted to build a road through protected indigenous land to enable easier trade between Brazil and Bolivia. The farmers are under the impression that this will help their businesses and boost the economy of Bolivia. The Indigenous population are under the impression that this will bring mining and oil exploitation as well as facilitate drug trade. After over a month of marches, protests, and violence on both sides, the government decided to cancel the idea of the road. After all, there is a UN law requiring the consultation and consent of indigenous people if there will be any construction on their land that will affect their life.
Life outside of all of work is good! Living in Cafe Cultura still, working here as well. It's a great setup really! It's a little hard in my personal life sometimes, I have a hard time socializing in Spanish. Also, I just ended a 4 year relationship and living in a country where practically everyone is in love or heartbroken, it makes it really hard to get over him. I know in time, all will pass and get better. For now, just have to keep busy and keep my mind occupied on other things.
On another note, those Wall Street Protests?? WOW, I just heard about it today! To everyone involved, good luck and stay strong. It's amazing what can be accomplished with a passionate dedication and unwillingness to bend. Look at what happened in Bolivia! They marched for hundreds of miles through police barracades, through tear gas, and beat the odds! Also, kind of funny, they kidnapped the Chancellor of Bolivia and forced him to march with them. With the strategy of putting him along with women in the front of the march, they were able to break through police blockades! Shows the strength and change a small amount of people have the capacity for. Also another great example of women as incredibly important parts of social justice movements! Go New York and Viva Bolivia!
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