It's been a while since I have written you and I hope that this letter does find you well, but I have a few things I need to tell you. Please don't take this personally- take it as a chance to grow and understand your fellow woman.

ALL OF THIS is unwanted physical contact, and I am sure that I am not the only woman who has felt this (can I get an "A'men?") so next time that you go to put your hands on a woman that is not your family/girlfriend/best friend, please just don't. Don't even ask. When you put your hands on me, you first of all put me in an awkward situation of removing your hands, which I will only do nicely ONE TIME, MAYBE. You do it again and I will bite your finger off, I'm serious. Second, it is a blatant way of asserting your power and dominance over me. Like you deserve to walk around putting your hands on whatever lady part you want and we are just supposed to grin and giggle like we enjoy it. I am not a walking bop-it/Simon/scratch-and-sniff/arm-rest. It is ALL subliminally sexual and I DON'T LIKE IT.

As I said before all of this is just asserting your power over me and I DON'T LIKE IT. I don't want to talk to strangers everywhere I go, and I don't owe you a response. These men act like they are not only worthy of my time, but DESERVING. Like I am the "bitch" if I don't stop and respond to you. Dude, you are a stranger and I don't talk to strangers on the street- it's what my mom taught me my entire life. If I don't know you and you begin talking to me while I am alone on the street I am going to consider you a dangerous threat to my well-being and cannot be held responsible for my actions.
You will never know what is like to be a woman. Don't say that you do, that you can imagine, that it's not so bad, or that things are much better than they were. You make yourself sound like an uneducated jerk-off. If you want to have an idea of what it is like, shadow me for a week and MAYBE then you will get a small glimpse. You will begin to realize that almost every interaction with men is turned into some kind of flirtatious sexual innuendo. You will

This list could go on longer, but I will end here for fear of offending the delicate male egos that have taken centuries to develop. If anything has sunk in here, I hope that it is number 1 & 2 since this is what affects me every day, and most women are too shy to say anything. Try and read body language and be a little less emotionally numb than your kind has so famously become. It really is easy to tell when a woman is uncomfortable (shoulders go up, avoids eye contact, talks a bit lower and faster, fiddles with hands, etc), just step out of yourselves for a minute and read the signs. No matter what I am wearing, whether it is a track suit or a mini-skirt, I should always be treated with respect. I am never asking for "it." I don't want "it," I don't like "it," and I will not stand for "it."
I remember one of my good friends (my aforementioned ally) told me a story...he was walking home from classes one night and found himself walking behind a woman. As they were both walking she kept glancing behind her whilst picking up her pace and clutching her bag to her side. After a few minutes she was almost in an all-out run. Now, anyone who knows this man will testify that he is the most kindest guy in the world and would NEVER hurt anyone intentionally, so this was a traumatizing experience for him. That woman saw him as a predator, he scared her and he couldn't do anything about it. He scared her because he is a man. This story is the perfect example of the societal power dynamic we have created here and it can be changed. It starts with men taking an active role in changing their approach, as well as women taking an active role and setting boundaries (will do my next post on my good friend Erik Kondo's concept of "Progressive Boundary Setting"